Kelly Hansen Maher is originally from Minneapolis, but now lives in Grinnell, Iowa. She writes poetry and nonfiction, and teaches with the Minnesota Prison Writing Workshop. Tremolo is her first book.
Books: Tremolo

Athena Kildegaard’s previous books are Rare Momentum, Bodies of Light (a finalist for the Minnesota Book Award), and Cloves & Honey. She received the LRAC/McKnight Fellowship and grants from the Lake Region Arts Council and the Minnesota State Arts Board. She teaches at the University of Minnesota, Morris.
Books: Course and Ventriloquy
Forthcoming: Prairie Midden
Katharine Rauk is the author of the chapbook Basil, and has poems published in Pleiades, Harvard Review, DIAGRAM, and elsewhere. Her poems have been choreographed by dancers as well as performed by musicians. She reviews books for Scout.
Books: Buried Choirs

Opal C McCarthy lives in Minneapolis, where she practices bodywork, teaches, performs, and creates community healing events to celebrate + induce fierce women’s voices, radical tenderness, and reproductive freedom. Surge is her first book of poetry.
Books: Surge
Books: As If Seen at an Angle

Judy Jordan has published two books previous books of poetry: Sixty Cent Coffee and a Quarter to Dance and Carolina Ghost Woods which won the 1999 Walt Whitman Award and the 2000 National Book Critics Circle Award.
Books: Hunger
Forthcoming: Children of Salt
Laynie Browne is the author of twelve collections of poetry and two novels. Her most recent collections of poems include P R A C T I C E (SplitLevel 2015) and Scorpyn Odes (Kore Press 2015). She is a 2014 Pew Fellow.
Books: Periodic Companions
Forthcoming: Letter Inscribed in Snow

Carley Moore is an essayist, novelist, and poet. Her debut novel, The Not Wives, was published by Feminist Press in 2019. Carley is a queer, disabled, single, co-parenting mom, a sex-positive, intersectional feminist, #catwife, and Vans lover.
Books: 16 Pills
Forthcoming: My First Queer Year
BK Fischer is the author of four books of poetry, including Radioapocrypha, St. Rage’s Vault, and Mutiny Gallery, as well as a critical study, Museum Mediations: Reframing Ekphrasis in Contemporary American Poetry. A former poetry editor of Boston Review, she teaches in the School of the Arts at Columbia University.
Books: My Lover's Discourse

Charles Jensen is the author of five chapbooks of poems, and his poetry has appeared in American Poetry Review, Bloom, Columbia Poetry Review, Copper Nickel, Field, The Journal, New England Review, and Prairie Schooner. He is the founding editor of the online poetry magazine LOCUSPOINT. He lives in Los Angeles and directs the Writers' Program at UCLA Extension.
Books: Nanopedia
Pamala Weber is a teacher living in Minnesota. Her book Slow Color is a practical guide to natural dyeing in the north.
Books: Slow Color

Sara Quinn Rivara is the author of the chapbook Lake Effect. Her poetry and essays have appeared in numerous literary journals, including Blackbird, Split Lip, Nashville Review and Cream City Review. She lives in Portland, Oregon where she works in the community colleges and as a semi-professional classical singer.
Books: Animal Bride
Claire Wahmanholm's poems have recently appeared in The Journal, The Kenyon Review Online, BOAAT, 32 Poems, and Waxwing. She received her MFA from the Writing Seminars at the Johns Hopkins University and her PhD from the University of Utah. She lives and teaches in the Twin Cities.
Books: Redmouth

Maggie Blake Bailey has poems published or forthcoming in The San Pedro River Review, Tar River, Ruminate, and elsewhere. She is the author of the chapbook Bury the Lede. A recent graduate of the Sewanee School of Letters MFA program, lives with her husband and two children in Atlanta.
Books: Visitation
Lesley Wheeler’s poetry collections include Radioland, Heterotopia, The Receptionist and Other Tales, Heathen, and the chapbook Propagation. Recipient of fellowships from Fulbright and the National Endowment for the Humanities, she is the poetry editor of Shenandoah, Wheeler is the Henry S. Fox Professor of English at Washington and Lee University.
Books: The State She's In
Forthcoming: Poetry's Possible Worlds

Caroline Cabrera is the author of three previous collections, most recently Saint X, winner of the Hudson Prize from Black Lawrence Press. Her poetry and lyric essays have appeared in jubilat, Fairy Tale Review, Denver Quarterly, and Muse / A Journal, among others. She is chapbook editor of Bloom Books from Jellyfish Magazine and teaches with two non-profits, Innovations for Learning and O, Miami Poetry Foundation. She lives in South Florida.
Bo Schwabacher is a South Korean adoptee. Born in South Korea, she was adopted at three-months-old. Bo grew up in Illinois. Her poems have appeared in Cha, CutBank, diode, The Offing, and others.

Cindy King was born in Cleveland, Ohio and grew up swimming in the shadows of the hyperboloid cooling towers on the shores of Lake Erie. She earned her MFA at the Center for Writers at the University of Southern Mississippi and her Ph.D at FSU. She is currently an Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at Dixie State University.
Books: Zoonotic
Felicia Zamora is the author of six books of poetry. A CantoMundo and Ragdale Foundation fellow, she won the 2020 C.P. Cavafy Prize from Poetry International, the Wabash Prize for Poetry and the Tomaž Šalamun Prize. She is an assistant professor of poetry at the University of Cincinnati and associate poetry editor for the Colorado Review.
Books: Quotient